Welcome to the Liberty County Tax Collectors On-Line Tax Sale Web Site. The purpose of this page, is to consolidate the information for you and to help you better understand the Florida Delinquent Process and how the On-line Tax Sale Auction works. The links to the left provide information along with documentation, frequently asked questions, on-line help, data downloads, and a practice site that you can use to learn how to use the site. We encourage you to review this information before you participate in the on-line tax sale auction.

Getting Started
The first steps in participating in the on-line tax sale process, is to create your Web Account followed by registering in each county you will participate in.
  1. If you participated last year, you can log in using your web account from last year. If you do, your W9 and Bidder Agreement information from last year will copy forward to this new year. You still need to log in, review, and sign both your W9 and Bidder Agreement.
  2. If you are new, first Sign Up to create a Web Account. Then log in using this new web account to finish your registrations.
  3. Click on the Log In link above to log in to complete your registration.

Important Dates
Registration Begins 4/29/2024
First day of Bidding 5/6/2024
Last date to pay deposit using On-line ACH checks (eChecks) by 6:00 PM EST 5/20/2024
Registration Deadline 5/28/2024
Last day to Pay Deposit using Certified Funds - by end of business day 5/30/2024
Last day of Bidding - 11:59 pm 5/31/2024
Tax Sale Date (Awarding of Certificates) - by 10:00 am EST 6/1/2024
Last day to pay for Awarded Certificates using certified funds paid directly to Tax Collector. Payment must be received by the Tax Collector - by end of business day. 6/4/2024

On-Line Tax Sale Training Opportunities

The following is a pre-recorded training session that we would encourage you to watch/listen to. Click on this link. This pre-recorded training session was recorded last year, but other than the dates, everything applies for this year as well. Refer to the Tax Sale deadline dates listed above for the 2024 tax sale deadline dates.


This on-line Tax Sale Training will prepare you to participate in the on-line tax sales hosted by VisualGov Solutions, LLC. This includes Registration, Understanding the Delinquent List, Placing Bids, Reviewing the results and paying for Certificate you've won.